Hands Off Tauranga Domain Update – Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Submissions

Dear Supporter

The Commissioners and Council working with Priority One have decided to continue with the idea of a stadium in Tauranga Domain in the next Long Term Plan (LTP), even though overall community support is against a stadium in Tauranga Domain.

Interestingly the LTP document states “Community engagement in July 2023 showed there was sufficient initial support for the proposal to take it to the next step”.

A reminder of the results from the Tauranga City Council Online Community Survey regarding a Stadium in Tauranga Domain.

The survey numbers were -

strongly support 27.1% 

somewhat support 6.9% 

somewhat oppose 6.1% 

Strongly oppose 58.1% 

26% supported paying through rates and 67% opposed paying through the rates. 


The Tauranga Long Term Plan for 2024-2034 is now taking place.  This is the development plan for the next 10 years for Tauranga and where your rates will be spent.  As a resident, we all have the opportunity to make a submission, online, written and the chance to speak to the Commissioners on our submission. You can submit on any topic, not just the topics in the documents.

Submissions can be made online at

Long-term Plan 2024-34 - Tauranga City Council

The Council is trying to control the options you can comment on in each topic, you do not have to agree with any of their options and can say so.  Read carefully all the material. The wording can be misleading.

There is a section on the Stadium in Tauranga Domain.  The Commissioner’s preferred option is to still have the stadium in Tauranga Domain but slide it in under the radar over a period of time calling it a staged development.

Even under Option 3 (with no stadium), the plan remains to develop the two Domains. 

Hands Off Tauranga Domain wants to keep Tauranga Domain green and an open space for the future, for the community and with community sports clubs where community sports can be played.  Green space is the oxygen of a busy town.

A stadium in the Domain does not work on so many levels, loss of green space, too costly to build and operate, no parking, loss of community sporting facilities, commercialisation of the green space.

Please make a submission, choose Option 3  or make an Option 4  in the Comments Section which is “Hands off Tauranga Domain.  Keep the domain as it is. ”

The LTP process also encourages written submissions.  We encourage you to make a written submission to keep Tauranga Domain as a community green space.

This will be your last  opportunity to tell the Commissioners what you think about the Domain proposal before they make a final decision. Don't miss this chance to have a say! You don't have to attend the hearing and speak. All you have to do is fill in the online form and send it in to the Council.


LTP Process Key Dates:

15 Nov – 15 Dec 2023       Submissions

12 Feb – 14 Feb 2024       Hearings -  Talk about your submission

4 – 5 March                     Commissioners will consider feedback

22 April                              Long Term Plan signed off


 NOTE:  if this LTP process seems out of sync with other councils around NZ, it is, the Commissioners have brought forward the process to commit Tauranga’s future before they leave in July 2024.  Why the rush?
